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EUROGIN ® is a trademark registered at the National Institute of Intellectual Property of France and at the official trademarks and designs registration office of the European Union (OHIM) under the number 5068631. “The registration of the brand confers to its holder the right of property over this brand for the products and services that he/she has listed” (Code of Intellectual Property, article L713-1).

Accordingly to the legal disposal of the article L122-4 of Code of Intellectual Property: “any representation or reproduction integral or partial, translation, adaptation, transformation, arrangement of any work realised without the consent of the author is illicit”. 

Therefore, it is allowed to the users to download or print the information from this website, provided that EUROGIN is explicitly named as the author of this information. It is forbidden and sanctioned with legal proceedings, to distribute, reproduce and commercialize in its original or derived form the content of this web site. are registered trademarks of Informa exhibitions.

Terms & Conditions

Important information for visitors to our events:

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The website is declared to the National Commission of Information and Liberties, under the number 1375031.Your data subscribed on our website are aimed to be used by our Administrative Secretariat only. This data will of course not be given up or sold to any external company or person. In compliance with the French internal legislation, you could modify, suppress or change any of your data (art. 34 of the law « Informatique et Libertés » dated 06.01.1978). To exercise this right, contact: [email protected]